Changing your culture is very rewarding work.
Rewarding, absolutely. But also work, in the best possible way. Vidl Work’s approach to helping organizations manage energy, prioritize connection, and choose courage begins with defining the pathway for getting there:


In the above video, you can see that changing your culture requires changing group norms. Changing group norms requires changing individual behaviors. And changing individual behaviors means people must update their Inner Operating Systems (IOS).
When a group of people update their Inner Operating Systems, even just a little, they feel better, relate more productively with each other, and become better able to address the system issues present in the organization.

To learn more about culture transformation in the workplace, below is complete access to our CultureJourney video series.
Culture 101
A sneak peek at why we’re so interested in culture and what it takes to change it.
Defining Workplace Culture
A simple definition of culture and five key things you need to know about it to be successful in changing it.
The Importance of Investing in Your Culture
An overview of the research and an introduction of the culture continuum.
How to Transform or Optimize Culture
A helpful visual for understanding how culture changes for the better.
The Role of Me and We in
Transforming Culture
Shared language to understand how people must change for cultures to change.
From Reactivity to Responsiveness
What happens when people do their Me Work and We Work.
Addressing System Issues
The business case for Me Work and We Work.
Energy, Connection, and Courage
The three most important points of focus in Me Work and We Work.
Elevate Energy to Fuel Culture Transformation
In order to create and maintain an intentional culture, we need an abundant supply of high-quality energy and the ability to direct that energy purposefully.
Prioritize Connection Above All Else
Human beings are hard-wired to seek connection – and to undermine it! How does this affect culture?
Choose Courage Even When It’s Hard
What’s the relationship between courage, vulnerability, and culture? Find out here.
Leaders Are the Cultural Architects
While culture is everyone’s business, formal leaders have the most impact because of their positional power. Here are the three words leaders need to focus on to influence cultural norms.