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How to Change Workplace Culture


A Google search for “how to change workplace culture” offers 402 million results. Clearly, we’re interested in this idea and with good reason.

Workplace culture is ten times more important than compensation in determining whether or not employees will stay in an organization or look for other work. Sull, D. &  Sull, C. & Zweig, B. (2022)

Ten times!!

And if the data isn’t compelling enough, we can simply look to our own experience.

Think about the different places you have worked during your professional life. Reflect for a moment on how the culture of your workplaces has impacted your personal energy, your connection with others at work, and whether you choose to do the courageous thing or the safe thing.

Powerful, right?

So, we know culture is important. And most of us are interested in being part of cultures that help us work and live to our potential.

The challenge is that most workplace cultures are accidentally developed and not intentionally designed and nurtured. Because of this, many workplace cultures are frustrating or mediocre at best and some are even classifiably toxic.

We work with organizations that are genuinely interested in transforming their culture, but they are overwhelmed, confused and frustrated. The challenges our clients face are:

1.      They either don't know where to start on the journey of changing their culture.


2.     They started by investing in initiatives that were well-intentioned, but the initiative did not deliver the impact desired. 

For over two decades, we have been studying the culture of thousands of organizations. We’ve witnessed what works and what doesn't.

So, what does it take to transform culture?

Over the next few months of emails, we commit to answering this complex question in a straight-forward, easy-to-understand way.

Listen to Rebecca explain the first part of the answer here.

Whether or not you choose to listen to Rebecca today, here’s a hint:

You can’t dictate culture change.

And you won’t have much luck if you just wait for the culture to change.

Being intentional about culture requires understanding and action. YOU can be part of the solution.

One more chance … Listen to Rebecca share the first part of the answer here.



Sull, D. &  Sull, C. & Zweig, B. (2022) MIT Sloan Management Review -



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